Friday, July 11, 2014

Upward and Onward

Ryan and I are now official college graduates. It's all very exciting, but after the graduation I went full force into MCAT studying mode. The 8+ hours a day continued for a little over a month. Then came the actual MCAT test day and then working on my med-school application (Essay writing, getting letters of recommendation, and knowing everything you write can either help or hurt your chances of getting in) and finally submitting it. So having just finished all of that and then taking a few days to breath, I'm kind of uncertain about what's next (not to mention I'm still waiting on the MCAT results). Because you have to apply to medical school a year in advance, even if I do get accepted this cycle, I wouldn't start for over a year from now. That means time to find a job...

So my days have been filled with resume writing and job sight searching until something hits. In the mean time, I'm definitely enjoying the slower pace and wondering--Does this R&R really have to come to an end?

    My bank account answers....YES.

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