I was able to spend time with Ryan, just having fun, going on dates together etc. We went skiing on Wednesday. He had never been before, so I was a little worried about how he would do. He actually did amazing though and only fell once! (If you've ever tried to teach anyone how to ski, you know how good that is) Anyways, the day trip to the snow was so much fun. We hardly ever get an entire day together where we can just be on a date, doing something fun. We're hoping to go one more time before the ski season is over.
Over break, we also went to the premier of Hunger Games. We went with my best friend and her boyfriend and a few other people. Ryan and I had both read all the books, so going to the midnight premier with friends was exciting (we ate way too much unhealthy stuff though). Anyways, I thought that the movie was really good, and very similar to the book.
Sadly spring break is coming to an end.....I'm ready to finish these last six weeks of the semester strong though.
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