I've retrieved my trusty planner after it's summer long break and have since then been using it nonstop. Got to be organized!
I'm trying so hard to stay on top of my school work this semester and prevent myself from getting overwhelmed. It's so easy for work to pile up, leaving you desperately trying to tackle the work before it suffocates you. Trust me, I've been there....
This leads me to my next topic. I put my two week notice in at work the other day. I just really didn't want a repeat of last semester--where all my time was spent either at school, studying, or working. There was literally NO free time whatsoever. I really felt like if I did the same this semester, I would have gotten burned out and not done well at all. I kept going back and forth on my decision to quit work but ultimately I think it was the right one. It does however mean that Ryan and I will have to get creative......we'll have to plan cheap dates, stop eating out, and be better stewards of our money. I really like having some money to spend, but I think my own sanity is more important!